Microsoft Windows XP SP3 Standard Student Edition February 2012
Bagi teman-teman yang suka mengoleksi Operating System (OS) Windows, atau yang menjadi tukang servis komputer atau laptop, ada Operating System update terbaru ni...
Apa aja yang baru?? Cekidoot...
Windows Xp Pro Sp3 Standard student Edition February 2012
made by lil-fella
Windows Xp Pro Sp3 Standard student Edition February 2012
made by lil-fella
This is a standard version of Windows Xp pro Sp3 student edition
with Internet explorer 8 + Windows media player 11 + windows hotfixes
you have to enter the cd key manually
NOTHING has been removed
NO tweaks have been applyed
HAVE to put key provided as the key is NOT slipstreamed
windows hotfixes till February 15th 2012
Internet explorer 8 + hotfixes
Windows media player 11 + hotfixes
How To Use:
Burn the iso image using the software you like at a slow speed
say about x4 or x8
as this CD iso image is bootable.
Install as you would an original CD and use key provided
as the key is NOT slipstreamed
please read the txt document on the root of the cd for more info
about cd key , and much more..
If you have xp installed already your advised to backup
your current drivers first before install. example using driver genius.
as only the MassStorage 11.11 txt mode (sata + raid) drivers
and "basic xp drivers" are on this cd-r disk
official validation of Microsoft
You do not need to use cracks and stuff,
install and use as if you have a licensed copy.
This so-called "student" copy of XP,
it is used for educational purposes and there fore
it is designed for multiple installation without
further contact with black-list Windows Genuine Advantage.
This version of Windows XP SP3 does not require activation
and is the official validation of Microsoft.
no need for any wga cracks with this one
it passes online as fully Genuine
(student edition based + proper student key)
this windows was made with xp professional student edition sp0 RTM 32bit as the source disk,
with Sp3 Build 5512 added and upto date hotfixes added
with Internet explorer 8 + Windows media player 11 + windows hotfixes
you have to enter the cd key manually
NOTHING has been removed
NO tweaks have been applyed
HAVE to put key provided as the key is NOT slipstreamed
windows hotfixes till February 15th 2012
Internet explorer 8 + hotfixes
Windows media player 11 + hotfixes
How To Use:
Burn the iso image using the software you like at a slow speed
say about x4 or x8
as this CD iso image is bootable.
Install as you would an original CD and use key provided
as the key is NOT slipstreamed
please read the txt document on the root of the cd for more info
about cd key , and much more..
If you have xp installed already your advised to backup
your current drivers first before install. example using driver genius.
as only the MassStorage 11.11 txt mode (sata + raid) drivers
and "basic xp drivers" are on this cd-r disk
official validation of Microsoft
You do not need to use cracks and stuff,
install and use as if you have a licensed copy.
This so-called "student" copy of XP,
it is used for educational purposes and there fore
it is designed for multiple installation without
further contact with black-list Windows Genuine Advantage.
This version of Windows XP SP3 does not require activation
and is the official validation of Microsoft.
no need for any wga cracks with this one
it passes online as fully Genuine
(student edition based + proper student key)
this windows was made with xp professional student edition sp0 RTM 32bit as the source disk,
with Sp3 Build 5512 added and upto date hotfixes added
a. download tiap part
b. taro setiap part dalam satu folder yang sama
c. rename dengan original name (waspada di sini, jangan sampai ada part yang tertukar saat me-rename)
d. hapus ekstensi .rar paling belakang (secara default tiap part memiliki ekstensi seperti ini, cth: windows xp sp3.rar.001.rar) - untuk melihat ekstensi paling belakang, pilih folder options di jendela windows, pilih bagian view, jangan di centang box yang tulisannya "hidden extensions for known file types"
e. setelah di hapus masing ekstensi .rar di masing2 part, icon file yang tadinya berbentuk icon winrar berubah menjadi icon kertas putih (gpp, itu memang caranya kok, jadi normal)
f. join dengan hjsplit, caranya cukup insert part 1 nya aja
g. udah selesai di join, maka keluar satu file yang berupa keseluruhan gabungan dari part2 icon kertas putih yang udah di join, dan ciri membedakannya adalah size nya yang lebih besar
h. ekstrak isi dalemanya dengan winrar, saat diminta password, ketikkan (jangan di copas) secara manual
i. jika terjadi pesan saat peng-ekstrakan wrong password, berarti di proses c (saat rename tiap part, kamu ada yang ketuker), kalo saat ekstrak yang muncul bad sector, gunakan fungsi recovery record di winrar, karena setiap windows xp di thread ini dilengkapi recovery record 10%
j. burn menggunakan software burner yang tepat (ambil speed terendah saat proses pembakaran CD)
k. proses yang berhasil dengan tepat, maka windows siap digunakan sebagai installer untuk booting dari awal bios komputer/laptop dinyalakan
MD5 Checksum: Checked by HJ Split 2.4 Microsoft Windows XP SP3 Standard Student Edition February 2012.rar : Pending
Recovery Record in WinRar: 10%
Password WinRar: carlos_roy_fajarta@idws
Serial Number: No Serial Number Needed
Notes: Windows ini sudah berbentuk ISO
Panduan Download & Install:
1. Download Tiap Part
2. Setelah Selesai Download, Langsung Di Rename Sesuai Dengan Original Name (Lihat di Link tersebut di pada alamat part tersebut)
3. Hapus Ekstensi .rar paling belakang
4. Join dengan software HJSplit
5. Buka Dengan WinRar
6. Ekstrak File Yang Ada Di Dalam WinRar Ke Folder Baru
7. Masukkan Password Yang Diminta Oleh WinRar, Ada Di Thread Ini.
8. Jika File Sudah Berupa File Image (.iso) maka Tinggal Di Burn Dengan Nero Untuk Membuatnya Bootable
9. Jika Belum Berupa File Image (.iso) Dibuat Dahulu File Imagenya (Bisa Dengan Software Macam-Macam, Misalnya: PowerISO, UltraISO, dsb).
10. Burn Ke Media CD-R (tidak direkomendasikan menggunakan CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, dan Gunakan Media CD-R Berkualitas Baik, Misalnya: CD-R Dari V*er*a*tim, Tidak Di Sarankan Pula meng-Install Windows Ini Dengan Flash Disk, Jika Terjadi Kegagalan Menggunakan Media Selain Yang Di Sarankan Diatas, Maka TS Tidak Mampu Memberikan Solusi Alternatif Selain Menggunakan Media CD-R Berkualitas Baik).
11. Saat Ingin Format Komputer Janggan Lupa Untuk Setting Booting nya Dari CD-ROM
12. Lakukan Install Windows Sesuai Dengan Petunjuk
13. Jangan Lupa Untuk Menginstall Driver Graphic & Sounds dari Graphic Card yang anda Miliki dan Motherboard.
Link Download via Indowebster : 2 part (tested):
password link :
password winrar : carlos_roy_fajarta@idws
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